Hey Bubblers! Let yourself in, I’ll put the kettle on. Continuing in our current sequence of informative blog posts I bring to you news of an up-coming event with our friends at Leeds University’s Anime Society…
The Anime Soc is holding a free Give it a Go event open to absolutely anyone, student or not, who is even vaguely interested in anime/manga and is 18 or over…
It will be take place on Thursday 24th September, between 7pm and 10pm in the ARC Conference Hall, and some of the super-friendly AnimeSoc Committee members will be on hand to escort anyone unfamiliar with the venue from outside the Leeds Travelling Man shop at around 5.30pm, so just meet them there and they’ll show you the way.
The evening promises a whole host of festivities for those attending, with anime screenings, video games, a chance to browse the AnimeSoc’s lending library, or the opportunity to simply relax and debate the finer points of anime with the society’s existing members. All of this followed by some sociable alcohol appreciation at the pub. I’m sure you’ll agree there are few better ways to spend a Thursday evening, and it can serve as a nice precursor to Thought Bubble’s own Thursday-based launch party in November! What’s not to like? Answer – nothing.
For more information on the evening check out AnimeSoc’s website which also has an overview of who they are, what they do, and what you could get out of joining. There’s also an e-invite on Facebook, and if you have any questions then email animesoc@gmail.com.
Thought Bubble is proud to be associated with Leeds University’s various student societies dedicated to the wonderful word of sequential art, and we think you’d be crazy to miss out on such an awesome opportunity for anime-based frivolity. Crazy.
In more Thought Bubble related news the Hotel for this year’s festival (henceforth to be known as the Fortress of Awesomitude) has been announced, details available here, and the programme of workshops and masterclasses taking place over the festival period is set to be announced any day now. Excited? You will be. You… Will… Be…
- Clark
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