Err… right now I have to think were I published this one (my newest, by the way) before. It has not been aired in any forum nor any website… wait, there has been one (big) videohoster that had the pleasure. But it did not really matter at all, since almost nobody clicked on it. So I deleted it there – as I said, I am moving everything to this blog. Since there is a difference – if nobody clicks on my videos while there are hosted on a big site – I can only feel frustrated. But if I have them here on my blog and nobody clicks them – well, at least this “my” kind of thingy.
This slideshow is again one of the better ones, so to say a tribute for some good anime series that have been aired within the last years. A nice little side-effect: almost all of these ones have some serious shonen-elements, so if you like that kind of stuff you will definitely enjoy this one. Whatever, since nobody comments on my slideshows I do not know wether you like them or not ! The only thing I can therefore do is keep them coming…
But the time of feeling pissed is over, it only costs important minutes of one’s lifetime I guess. So, watch it or leave it – I do not really care. Such phrases coming from my mouth, pardon; fingers… guess this is the first time. But since this is “my place” here…
For those of you who are really interested: have fun with this one… ! For more informations (like song title or band-name) look for the tags on this one…
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