Holy Damn! I just finished CANAAN. Anyone who hasn’t watch it… DO IT! NNOOOWWW! :p
The anime wouldn’t be the same if any of the characters were missing. Superbly done characters with perfectly matched roles. Well, maybe Liang Qi was a little disturbing. But no complaints otherwise. Everything is so good, I actually don’t have anything thing to rant on. This blows… Pfft.. Xp
No wait, thought of something.
The opening and ending theme… Pfft… It’s probably the only thing holding CANAAN back. The INSERT song in the final episode was another story, it was good. Can’t seem to find it online though.
I hate endings which doesn’t provide a clear conclusion to how everything ends. HATE!
But still, CANAAN left me more satisfied than I would have expected. It’s just that great.
I don’t believe it but I’ve actually found an anime on the same level of greatness as Black Lagoon I /II, and yes, it’s CANAAN. Duh!
Just out of curiosity, would you guys classify CANAAN as a mind-fark? Been trying to get a better understanding of the term lately.
I would, considering Liang Qi and Hakko’s story. But CANAAN by itself doesn’t have too much of a twisted story plot to begin with. Not like Ergo Proxy.
Just a little hint on what to expect. Xp
Yes, Liang Qi likes her Wii. Lol!
And wants YOU to get some too!
Rating: 5-Stars
Just out of curiosity, how many of you guys watched Guin Saga? Well… if you haven’t, you should.
Guin Saga IS OFFICIALLY the Best Anime of 2009. Endorsed, Declared, Appointed and Sworn by NaNeee?!, Anime3R, blur.
When I say “Best” I do mean “nothing can touch it with a 10-foot pole. Not even Koukaku No Regios or Basquash! And I hold both anime titles in very high regards mind you.
How can I make such a bold statement you ask?
Well let’s see…
The animation is just slightly above average, nothing to shout about except for the nicely drawn landscapes. The action sequence are a mix. War scenes pretty much sucked but individual combats were nice, being smoothly animated with a touch of flair.
The opening theme is Myehhh… but the ending theme is wonderful. Saga~ This is my road is exactly what you would expect as a song by Kanon. A high-pitched opera-styled wonder indeed.
Warning: This video is a FULL FLEDGED SPOILER. Only thing is it’s not subbed in Japanese. Lol!
But the story. OMG! The script IS JUST FREAKING AMAZING!
I’ve always been a fan of the RPG genre in anything. Diablo, Dungeon and Dragons, Eye of the Beholder, Dungeon Siege, The Witcher, Magic the Gathering, Archmage, Lone Wolf and the Kai Masters’ series, Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights, etc. etc.
But damn! The fantasy setting in Guin Saga is just… amazing. I actually felt like I was reading a Adventure novel when watching Guin Saga. Something I’ve NEVER felt before.
Won’t lie though, there were 2 parts in the anime which I wasn’t too fond of. Where Guin, the lead character, would appear out of nowhere and happened to “arrive just in time to save you”. I’d preferred it if they actually showed him making his way instead of just appearing like that. And the fact that they left an open ending. Ass!
Though, it’s just a minor rant of mine. Perfection, so close, yet so far. Lol!
The 2 parts is mediocre compared to the feeling of being so immersed in the story of an anime. Something most animes never bothered to do nowadays. They just show you girls, boobs, guns, fireballs and call it a day. No, not Guin Saga. It doesn’t even have the slightest hint of moe. Unless you call Suni moe.
Suni: Am I moe?
Another day, another funky fansub. Lol.
I wanted to express my hate for Remus. But that would get too verbal, am I would pity the abuse he get, so I refrained.
FalconnnNNNnn PUUUnnnnCCCHHH!!!!!
I now pity the next anime which will need to perform up to my current expectations after watching a good anime such as CANAAN and an epic one such as Guin Saga. Maybe I should go defensive and chose an anime with a bad rep instead. Lol!
We’ll see.
Guin Saga
Rating: 5-Stars
Few days back, I was integrating, compiling, amending, sharing, and all that crap, between my 2 blogs. When everything was just fine. Everything back to normal now. Page and posts deleted. Back in Anime3R where they belong. And as for NaNeee?!, still trying to make it warm and cozy. Lol!
And I just realized I referred to myself as a third person in Guin Saga section. Egoistic piss-ass indeed. Lol!
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