Prime Anime station, the ABC (Australia’s version of the BBC), viewers might not be as culturally diverse, nay open to others cultures as the stereotype brings.
People who are said to watch ABC (whether it ABC1, ABC2 or ABC3) are stereotyped in Australia as well mannered, educated people, and fans of Doctor Who. Luckily for me, I fit both those categories. This stereotype may not be what it seems.
Yes, I know what your thinking, why care? Let’s just say, if we didn’t have the ABC, we wouldn’t have ANY (non-butchered) Anime shown on TV (besides the hentai and Miyazaki films on SBS), meaning that shows like Astro Boy, Death Note, Speed Racer, and Code Geass, would make less money, thus not being able to bring more money into Japan to make more amazing shows.
Onto my point, I frequently troll look into the ABC forum for news and Doctor Who show times, when I’m bored, when I can across this lovely article, simply entitled ‘Will there be anime?’, posted in the new ABC3 section (ABC3 being the new children’s channel).
I fully support Anime on ABC3, I would my love children (if they are going to grow up in this country) watching Anime legally off the telly. Aparantly one guy, by the name of ‘curiouse’, does not share my (and most likely your’s, cause you are reading this) view, by saying;
Please no anime, theres enough of that cr*p on commercial channels we are being bombarded with it. it’s fowl asian animators are taking over cartoon shows,(too much violance)lets stick with cats chasing mice etc instead of blowing peoples brains out its sick…..
- ‘curiouse’ (dated 16 Dec 2009 at 11:45:14am)
Yes, crap was censored.
This statement is totally ignorant and false, and also somewhat racist.
Of course, a poster by the name of ‘Kirben’ told ‘curiouse’ that he was wrong by posting;
We aren’t been bombarded with anime, there isn’t much anime on (free to air) TV at all. Anime is only regularly shown by Ten, unfortunately mainly the type created to sell more merchandise.
Not all anime is violent, and there are mainly series designed specifically for kids. Many anime series, offer better characters and story telling, compared to English animated series.
- ‘Kirben’ (dated 16 Dec 2009 at 1:12:57pm)
‘Kirben’ is totally correct of course, I’d like to see an American animated series make me as emotional as what Clannad After Story did. Then again, I can say that about American TV shows and Movies.
‘curiouse’ responded with;
I am yet to see anime- thats non violent wether on commercial tv or not, i don’t see what you like about creepy, soooky looking anime. I know my family & i wont be watching it anytime soon. What about watching a good nature doco far more interesting. Keep ‘anime’ away from the ABC.
- ‘curiouse’ (dated 16 Dec 2009 at 10:39:55pm)
Being the ignorant fool he is, and totally, well in this case (sorry for saying it) sounding very ‘American’. Thinking his view on the subject should be the only one and right one.
The picture on my USB
Which of course brings me to my point, yes this small little conversation may not have meant much to you, but have you told someone that you liked Anime and been laughed at? I have. This is the exact same principal. People that aren’t as open to try new things (eg, older people, your Mum) see Anime not as we do, but as something either ‘ruining out minds’ or hentai.
I could tell you about the time that I had a picture of Haruhi on my computer screen because I was using for a website I was making, and to this day, I still haven’t lived down that I watch ‘Anime porn’.
Pure un-educated ignorance doesn’t always push something to the back, it closes it off from the rest of the world. That is why we will never see a dub of Bakemonogatari.
I hope the ABC does pick up more Anime in the future and not just show re-runs of Death Note and Ergo Proxy.
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