Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ways to keep up with Anime without broadband internet service

Todays internet like it or not is built around users with a broadband connection online.  More and more options have arose for alternative high speed connections as well to try and assist those not in a  DSL serviced area.  Companies like Hughs Net and Dish Network have been advertising high speed connections through satellite.  The problem with this connection is that it is overpriced, and it is limited on its download speed.  That is a definite no no for otaku who want to try and stream the latest shows.

EVDO, which is the option I chose to go with, is a wireless internet service that uses the same signal as our cell phones for our computer to use, allowing us to surf at 3G speeds.  In terms of speed and latency it is one of the closest to match DSL, but a download limit plagues this connection as well.  As far as I know most companies have a 5 gig download cap each month.  The only company who does not have this limit cap was Alltel.  Alltel does NOT have a download cap as long as you signed your contract before the merger took place.  I was able to speak with a representative from Verizon stating that as long as you keep up your same contract your unlimited downloading will not be changed.  This internet service is great for streaming anime online, but only if you do not have a download cap.

The reason I wrote this article was for a special online movie rental store called Netflix.  Netflix is great for dial-up users or anyone to rent anime to keep up with the times.  They keep most of their DVDs in stock at all times, and the shipping is fast.  I pay around $18 a month and I get 3 DVDs at a time.  All in all I go through about……26 DVDs a month, which is not bad considering that buying just ONE DVD would cost around $15-$30. The bad thing about this service is that you have to wait to see the brand new shows in Japan until they are released on DVD.

Another alternative…though a more expensive way and rude way……GET A JOB! lol.  Boxsets of older anime series get cheaper and cheaper everyday and you would be surprised how cheap Wal-Mart is.  Check out your local stores, then check your local stores websites to find what you want, sometimes the prices will surprise you.

Living in a world of broadband based internet life is not easy, especially for otaku.  Our drive is obtained from media we watch not availible in our own countries, so this is the only solution.  I hope this little article was helpful.  I tried to write this around search engine terms to see if it will increase the amount of hits.  The loli post was partly a success it is quickly becoming my most viewed post, lolicon wins! XD


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