Sunday, February 7, 2010

Turquoise Colored News (Feb 7/10)

In today’s biased news, we have the following.

Good news everybody, they’re coming out with S.H. Figuarts Ultraman. But not just any Ultraman, it’s the original Ultraman Zoffy with a pimp cape. Allez Cuisine!

This is awesome news because this promises to be the best Ultraman toy ever so far. Since it’s a S.H. Figuarts, it’ll be articulated, which literally 99.99% of Ultraman toys aren’t. It’ll be durable, which the few articulated Ultraman figures out there aren’t. The sculpt looks fairly unbroken, it’s not perfectly smooth, but generally okay. And unless it ends up as a web exclusive, it’ll be affordable. And it’ll be da (Ultra)man himself, Zoffy.

So yes, overall, in terms of sculpt, articulation, durability and price; this may well best the best Ultraman in, what, 30 to 40 years?

I’m stoked.

In other news…

Oh, hell, fuckin’ yeeeeeeeah!

Oh shit, look at that! It’s v1! It’s effin’ v1!

To explain, those there are Cure Black and Cure White, from the original Pretty Cure series. And they’re articulated, yes! I’ve been waiting years for this. Just as I’ve been waiting years for an articulated Ultraman Zoffy (with no durability and looseness issues and preferably a reasonably unbroken sculpt), I’ve been waiting for an articulated pair of the original Pretty Cure. In particular, Cure Black.

Looks like they’re articulated enough to pull off their signature pose too, and also looks like Black comes with an angry face, and hopefully a normal neutral face to go along with her grinning face.

And ohshitohshitohshit! They’ve not only come out with them, but it’s version 1 of Cure Black. She has a midriff! Whoo! (They nerfed her midriff in the show, because parents are PRUDES).

So yeah, Pretty Cure was a decent show for what it was, but the pilot was splendifirous. It started like a typical magical girl show, sans the having the lead girl be retarded (a trope that magical girl shows have been following ever since the popularity of Sailormoon). But then the girls transformed into Pretty Cure, and this is cool because they proceeded to get into an honest to goodness fist fight with David “The Sovereign” Bowie.

Fist fight. With. David Bowie. David. Bowie. Fist Fight. With. Goblin Sovereign.

Here’s a clip of their first transformation, which includes the awesome closing credits.

Thus ends this news edition of Turquoise Version, where we talk not just about the news, but color it with Turquoise Bias. Because simply copy/pasting the news from actual news sites is sort of pointless, heh.


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